Hey! You must be new here. To help ease your transition to Bozeman living, here is a quick guide on the basics of the area, and some helpful tips for living with Echo Property Management.
We're excited to have you in the Echo family!
This is a notice of some things before your move in.
Every one of you will need renters insurance coverage. This can be added right through your resident portal, or even purchased there via their MSI policy option. Please have this coverage before move in date.
Please save these for the future:
Work order thru portal for fastest direct line of contact- or email info@echobozeman.com if you do not yet have a portal "log in"
Office Line 406-600-1628 (urgent matters, questions, etc.) - hours are Mon-Thurs 9-4pm
For financial questions please email Julie@echobozeman.com directly.
Hope this is helpful during this transitional period. See below for more FAQ.
Who do I sign up with for garbage removal?
The City of Bozeman is who we recommend you sign up with for trash/recycling services if you are in Bozeman.
If you are outside Bozeman city limits, you will contact Republic Services.
Who do I start my energy service with?
North Western Energy is Montana's electric source. Please start this to begin the day of your lease.
How do I file a work order for maintenance?
The Buldium Resident Portal!
If you have a maintenance request for your property manager, navigate to “requests” from the menu , or click “create request” right from the home dashboard. Choose “maintenance request” for issues like leaky faucets, cracked windows, leaky roofs, etc.
What is an "emergency?"
If your unit has any issues with heat, if there is leaking water/no water, or a serious hazard like a fire or severe storm damage, contact Echo right away (as well as your local emergency department if there is a risk of disaster). Try not to contact your Property Manager after business hours (8-4pm M-Thurs) unless its a true emergency, other non-emergency requests can be dealt with through the maintenance requests, which we still handle very promptly.
What if I need to sublet?
If you need to sublet, please give your landlord (and your roommates) a minimum of 30 days notice, and begin to find your replacement. It is up to you how you will fill this spot, however written approval will be required by all parties including your Property Manager. Please note, it will need to be approved as Summer months often we do not allow transfers of leases.
What are my responsibilities during my stay?
Plunging your own toilets / Snaking your drains :)
Changing batteries in smoke/carbon detectors, changing lightbulbs, as needed.
Most important, don't turn off your heat during colder temps! keep it at 60 F (summer months it won't kick on, but if it gets cold your pipes are protected from freezing!) You don't want your things or unit being damaged, so please remember this as your number one to do.
We hope this guide helps you, and that you enjoy all of what Bozeman has to offer!